
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Laying down my Isaac

The past 2 weeks have not been the best.  I have been trying several new supplements from Dr. Dane and right now we can't find the right fit. I know it will come but the side effects are a little discouraging.  The deceiver yet again tries to enter, I have had thoughts of... maybe there is something else going on with my body that she can't find.  Then I quickly remember...God is bigger...If there is something going on I will chose to believe that if HE wanted me to know what it was than the Holy Spirit would reveal it.  After putting that into practice a million times it is calming, even in the midst of feeling these crazy things going on with my body.  In deciding to see Dr Dane I decided to trust her and know that God was going to work through her for his precious Daughter, me.  He loves me that much.  In the midst of all of this, it looks as if the money will not be there.  Choosing to put my "Isaac" down today and trust.

Abraham willingly trusted God with his life.  They journeyed many years together, when God asked Abraham to sacrifice his precious promised son.  There was no pause in scripture, when he was asked. There was no sigh made by Abraham there were no clinching fists, he just OBEYED and willingly laid his son on the alter.  Out of his obedience and trust GOD PROVIDED.  He always does. 

Whatever choices and decisions we make he will get the glory. HE will be glorified!  I can't go wrong if I am choosing to willingly lay down my Isaac.  He is my Shepherd.  I am HIS sheep.  Dumb and self gratifying sheep.  When ultimately what is gratifying is choosing to enjoy HIM.

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