
Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Yesterday was an absolutely wonderful day.  I am drawing so near to my Lord and he is showing Himself to me in many ways.  The fear still creeps in, fear of the precious moments that I had yesterday not lasting.  I have made changes, God has made changes. It is all in His timing.  He is not a God of absolutes.  He has allowed all of this only for one bring me to his feet. The only thing that I want is to be like him.  Not to feel perfect, not to look perfect or not to make a ton of money.  Pouring myself into thanking him relieves any sort of fear that I have.  He REIGNS!

1 comment:

  1. Keep pressing on friend! The most effective prayer I have ever prayed in the battle is "Lord, fight this battle for me, cause I cant"
    And I've cried that out to him over and over, minute by minute, day by day. I'm proud of you friend! Don't give up!
